Full Circle Scholarship

Scholarship Info


May 31, 2023

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Full Circle Scholarship and apply today.

by NursePractitionerLicense.com Staff

Updated: May 23rd, 2022

Scholarship Mission

To provide a framework for undergraduate and graduate students attending accredited public and non-profit private colleges across the United States.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students attending accredited public and non-profit private colleges across the United States; US citizen or Canadian eligible to attend college in the U.S. under provisions of the Jay Treaty; must be American Indian or Alaska Native descent students attending tribal colleges and universities; must be in full-time enrollment; registered as an enrolled member of a federal or state recognized tribe, or a descendant of at least one grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member. Alaska Natives may use Native Corporation membership; at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:


American Indian College Fund
8333 Greenwood Blvd.
Denver, CO 80221

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