ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program

Scholarship Info


February 2, 2023

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program and apply today.

by Staff

Updated: May 23rd, 2022

Scholarship Mission

To address emerging needs of public health, and to provide leadership and professional opportunities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for students and graduate students of ASPH member graduate schools of public health.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must have received an MPH or Doctorate degree prior to the beginning of the fellowship; or be an early career professional with MPH or Doctorate degrees (within 5 years of graduation); have received degree(s) from an ASPH-member, CEPH-accredited, graduate school of public health; and be a U.S. citizen or hold a visa permitting permanent residence in the U.S.

How Winners are Selected

All applications to the program undergo a two-phase review process.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:

Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health
1615 L St. NW, Ste. 510
Washington, DC 20036

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